Monday, March 18, 2013

Mitzvot For Shaya is up and running...please make sure to visit and and pledge your own Mitzvah. Here are some of the incredible Mitzvot which have already been pledged:

Chalom: "I will study about the Torah portion once a week for fifteen minutes for the next two months."

Shaul: "I will attend the shabbat morning minyan twice a month"

Etel Bracha: "I will purchase a verse in the Harlem Torah."

Benyamin: "I will put a Mezuzah on one of my doors that didn't have one yet."

Eliyahu: "I will study about the Torah portion once a week for fifteen minutes for the next two months."

Leah Shoshana: "I will give a donation to Chabad of Harlem."

Melech Rapheal: "I will study perkei avot, 1 chapter a week, for six consecutive weeks on Shabbos!"

Chaya mushka: "I will give a donation to Chabad of Harlem."

Chana: "I will encourage someone to start lighting candles"

Chana: "I will study about the Torah portion once a week for fifteen minutes for the next two months."

Yosef: "I will spend one hour of my time with a lonely person once a month."

Hadasah Zehava: "I will award my children (grandchildren) for their achievement in Jewish knowledge."

Rivkah: "I will recite the Shema every day."

Sara yakovah: "I will visit a sick friend."

faygie: "I will add to my ongoing schedule of Torah study."

Tzvia: "I will offer to help someone in need on a regular basis."

Tal: "For the month of Nisan, I will memorize Tanya for fifteen minutes each day, bli neder. "

Tziporah Sara: "I will only buy foods that have reliable kashrut supervision."

Gavriela Schwartzman: "I will offer to help someone in need on a regular basis."

Tal: "I will light Shabbat Candles at the right time for four consecutive weeks."

Rimona: "I will light Shabbat Candles at the right time for four consecutive weeks."

Moriah: "I will recite the Shema everyday for a week. (I plan to do more, but I wanted to do the smallest so I wouldn't break my commitment!) "

Ariel : "I will call my grandmother to say hello and to remind her that I miss her, I love her, and I can't wait to see her for Pesach."

Rachel: "I will offer to help someone in need on a regular basis."

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