Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Note From A Shliach

Hosting R' Shaya and the camp was a real highlight for me whenever we had the chance and the special zechus. R' Shaya and ylch"t his wife not only truly showed their appreciation in a noteworthy and most mentshliche way, R' Shaya also gave me tremendous chizuk in our shlichus. Things seemed to be sometimes crazy over the past few years, but every time I saw R' Shaya, he asked me - truly genuinely - how things were, and proceeded to give me an uplift of energy that I still work off of. My appreciation for that, as well as admiration for a man who decided to change his lifestyle to take on the challenging one of a campus Shliach in later years, is deeper than can be expressed. I think of him often, and I only wish I had known him longer. May we be reunited immediately, and the family and all of us never know tzaar again. 

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